Baked Pasta with Butternut Squash

4 long pans

½ cup olive oil
½ cup minced garlic, or 6 onions, diced
Salt and pepper and thyme
--Saute (short for garlic, long for onions)

Add 4 diced (unpeeled) butternut squash
~4 cups water

Cook covered till tender, then uncover and evaporate liquid. Add
4 bunches kale, steamed/blanched and chopped.

Boil 1 gallon milk
8 bay leaves
--just till small bubbles appear. Let cool a few minutes.

Cook 12 pounds pasta (wheat or rice) in salted boiling water until it's barely cooked and still needs another couple of minutes.

Remaining ingredients:
2-3 sticks of butter
~2 cups flour (all-purpose or arrowroot)
4 pounds shredded mozzarella
2 pounds shredded cheddar
4 cups grated parmesan
salt and pepper and breadcrumbs, if desired, plus scallions to garnish.


To assemble each pan, layer in buttered pans:

1/12th of the total pasta
3 tbsp. flour
2-4 tbsp. chopped butter
2 cups cheddar/mozz
½ cup parm
2 cups milk
salt and pepper
¼ of the squash/kale mixture


1/12 of the pasta
3 tbsp. flour
2-4 butter
2 cups cheddar/mozz
2 cups milk
salt and pepper


1/12 of the pasta
1 cup mozz/cheddar
½ cup parm

Bake at 400f (speed bake) for ~30 minutes; sprinkle with scallions and serve.

Served 70, with minestrone soup and carrot-apple salad