Vanilla Coconut Chia Pudding

I can't decide what I think about chia. On the one hand: seems pretty indigestible. On the other hand: is a traditional food. On the other hand: did people just eat it as is?? Did they grind it, or ferment it?? I don't know. But this tastes pretty delicious. :)

3.5 c. coconut milk
2 T. vanilla
1 vanilla bean's insides, scraped
1.5 tsp. cinnamon
2 T. honey
pinch salt
1/2 c. chia seeds

Blend all ingredients except for chia. Add chia, whisking constantly until everything is combined, being careful not to allow the chia to clump (it may never unclump!).

Let it set for an hour and a half, or refrigerate overnight.
