What We Eat - With Recipes!

March 7, 2013

When we first started the Specific Carbohydrate/Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet in 2010, I had a bookcase full of vegetarian recipes, a burgeoning career as a vegetarian chef…and not a clue how to cook (let alone eat) a chicken. The only thing I knew how to ferment was sourdough bread. And for many more reasons than the sheer cooking workload, I was completely overwhelmed.

All The Gory Details I can Think Of, and Then Some

February 28, 2013

Dear Family,

"I don't know whether I believe in God or not. I think, really, I'm some sort of Buddhist. But the essential thing is to put oneself in a frame of mind which is close to that of prayer."




"[I made] a teeny candle, in case you want a teeny bit of light…an' this one is even _tinier_, for those times when you need an even tinier light."

"[The snow] is so pretty, 'cause it's not falling super fast or super slow."

To Do 1/24/2013:

January 24, 2013

Wash Dishes.

Do Laundry.

Put Away Laundry From Monday, and also from Last Thursday.

Figure out how to make sausage out of a beef heart.

Remember: that Ben told me not to tell him (“or just lie”) if I am cooking with organ meat, so that he won't have to know he's eating it.

Choose: not to ponder the ethical implications of the previous point.


January 13, 2013

Dear Family,

So it turns out that in the time I currently have available to me, I am not going to become a political scientist, or a molecular biologist, or an investigative reporter. I had this realization right about 3am on one of the blurring-together-nights this past week, during one of Eliza's super un-fun screaming wake-ups. She's in the midst of yet another apparent bout of especially bad reflux, which appears to be just one of the factors that cause her to refuse most of the food we offer her (and to sleep terribly at night).


A Short Announcement

January 6, 2013

Dear Family and Friends,



I want to start writing a whole lot more. I want to get published. And I'd kinda like to find some paying work as a writer. I have no idea how to manifest that last part, but I'll work on it later; for now, I'm planning to branch out (in other words, to write about topics in addition to Gut Flora and Parenting).


...I'm taking REQUESTS! (This is scary.)

Exercises from a Writing Workshop

October 23, 2012

by Sarabeth

Inspired by the words "Sweet Sixteen" and the colors on paint swatches: "acorn squash," "summer squash," "Beach Ball Yellow," "Optimistic Yellow," "Daffodil," "Decisive Yellow" and "Cheerful"


I've always wanted to write a sort of retrospective memoir, one of those "Back when I was Sweet Sixteen"-kinds of pieces that evoke honeysuckle evenings and vacations by the boardwalk near the sea.

The Micro Is Macro - or, When Tiny Things Are Devastating

September 4, 2012

Dear Family,

"There is only one thing people like that is good for them: a good night's sleep."
--E. W. Howe



“I broke my rubber band...an' now I can do so much cool stuff with it.”

“When you say, 'Do you want your hat, Jem?', you're REALLY saying, 'You should wear your hat.'”

“It's nice, looking at a baby and watching it seeing you and smiling.”

New Resident at Our House

June 22, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

Generally it's not clear to me where Time goes, all things considered.

And then comes a day like June 17th, during which the earth is obviously still spinning but suddenly there's some kind of vivid, punctuating event. And just then, as Calvin might say, things go KA-POW! In that moment it's like Time officially stands still.

Our new baby girl was born early on Father's Day morning. At 7:32am: KA-POW!

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